- Illustration (Illustrator + Photoshop)
I did this 2005 Ford Mustang illustration as a t-shirt demo for a local Mustang-focused garage. They had bandied about a t-shirt line, and had me research getting professional illustrations done, but were unwilling to pay what it would take... so I threw my hat into the ring, just in case there was any money in it. There was not.
Had a great time with the gradients... though I've still never gotten that dang gradient mesh to work correctly. Damn you gradient mesh!
I think the taillights came out quite nicely, as well as the little airbrush highlights dropped in there, something I nipped from Chip Foose over there on Overhauled... his drawings are the best part of that show, I think. I'd have detailed up the wheels (and everything else) a bit had we gone into production... this was just a free demo, so it was mostly just illustrator practice for me.